Tag Archives: Surprising

Aspirin and Gut Bacteria: Surprising Discoveries in Treating Hormonal Deficiency

Recent research has revealed a surprising connection between aspirin, gut bacteria, and hormonal deficiency caused by genetic mutations. A study conducted by scientists at the Francis Crick Institute discovered that aspirin and the gut microbiome can play a significant role in alleviating symptoms of hypopituitarism a condition where the pituitary gland fails to produce enough… Read More »

6 Surprising Ways Improving Your Thoracic Spine & Shoulder Mobility Can Help You Reach Your Goals

As a yoga teacher and personal trainer, I love when I’m able to find ways to connect the dots between what I teach at the yoga studio and what happens at the gym. I get a little giddy when I hear a strength coach suggesting a mobility warm-up that’s essentially a yoga pose with a… Read More »