Author Archives: Health

Keto diet carbohydrate count

This may mean making tough decisions, like having a drink but skipping a small amount of fruit or Greek yogurt. There’s no carbohydrate reason to fear fat — count long as you avoid trans fats and choose healthy ones keto monounsaturated and omega-3 fats instead. Unaddressed, this carbohydrate, called hypoglycemia, may lead to seizures, loss… Read More »

A healthy liquid diet

A full liquid diet is made up only of fluids and foods that are normally liquid and foods that turn to liquid when they are at room temperature, like ice cream. It also includes. You may need to be on a full liquid diet right before a medical test or procedure, or before certain kinds… Read More »

Is salt ok on the candida diet

Yapar, Nur. Advocates recommend several supplements on a candida cleanse. Apple Cider Vinegar for Candida. If you are being treated for diabetes, for example, it may not be safe to reduce your sugar intake as strictly as the diet demands. A study in Letters of Applied Microbiology suggested that certain Lactobacillus probiotic strains enhance the… Read More »