What Are the Symptoms of Depression

By | October 28, 2018

What Are the Symptoms of Depression

Depression is one of the most common diseases that almost everyone can go through at some point of time in their life. Today depression make impact of health and fitness of all age group people including adults, kids, middle age person and older ones. It is the most common effect on a human when things are not going well in life and there is some problem. Every human differs in the level of tenacity and power to fight with various kinds of odds in their life, and, therefore, the level of depression differs too. It is always said that life is a roller coaster and there will be the good and bad phases. After knowing everything, also we get depressed at times, which affects our mind, body and work to a great extent for a large period of time.

Probable causes of emotional distress:

The causes of depression generally vary from person to person. There can be several reasons ranging from studies, jobs to personal and family problems too. More severe the problem is, the higher is the level of depression. Also the period of the problem and the amount of time it takes to get the problem solved, is also the important factor for determining depression. Failure to achieve something with repeated efforts generally causes depression. At times, we also face some situations which are often not in our hand and we cannot change it, which also leads to depression. Thinking many time for a perticular thing may lead to Depression and Tension in your Mind.

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Physical symptoms that are worth noticing:

There are various symptoms and consequences that a person is going through depression. Being insomniac, or sleeplessness is considered one of the primary signs of having depression. People find it difficult to easily fall asleep despite being tired at times. This can be due to the mental tension and worry which goes on in the subconscious mind.  Long term depression can give chest pain which may in turn give heart-related problems. One should immediately get the issue checked by a doctor to avoid any severe issue and before it leads to any permanent health related problem.

Associated health problems that accompany depression:

Long term depression can lead to various kinds of health related problems and can make us severely sick in the long run. One generally feels fatigued and tired all the time because we always think too much about the problem in hand. Depression and tiredness together can be fatal and make us bedridden for a long time even. One also goes through a severe headache all the time and depression also affects the digestive system of the body. Severe vomiting and nausea is common with depression for a long term. The food habits of the individual get affected, resulting in weight gain or loss. Severe body aches and muscle pains are also related to depression.

Overcoming depression:

One should always try to remain cheerful during such period of dullness and no hope. One should always be optimistic about the life ahead and believe that there are much better opportunities and results waiting for them ahead. Reading inspiring quotes by famous people and good music can be used to pass such phase of life. One should also exercise regularly so that the period of depression does not affect them physically. Being around positive people who give us encouragement is also very important. Proper and timely food and spending good time with the people who love us can also be a great remedy to fight out the odds of the phase. thinking about best and cheerful events in your life and smile them generously

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