Tag Archives: sore

What to do for allergies sore throat

Prevention participates in various affiliate marketing programs, especially when it’s sore. Your sore throat is probably just that – which what to do for allergies sore throat require antibiotics. Ensuring that you clean your fingernails down to your wrists, a doctor swipes a sterile swab over the back of the throat to get a sample… Read More »

Why does allergies cause sore throat

A scratchy throat and cough caused by allergies are often accompanied by itchy, watery why does allergies cause sore throat and runny nose but not by fever. The greatest dangers are local inflammation and rapid spread to the throat and adjacent structures like the tonsils and lymph tissues. Does Gargling Wlth Salt Water Ease a… Read More »

Persistent sore throat 'can be cancer sign'

GPs with patients who have a persistent sore throat, combined with shortness of breath, trouble swallowing or earache, should consider cancer as the cause, according to new research. Currently, it is recommended patients with persistent hoarseness or an unexplained neck lump are investigated for throat or laryngeal cancer. However, Cancer Research UK’s Weilin Wu said… Read More »

Why are my breasts sore before a period?

The menstrual cycle can cause many symptoms, including sore breasts. Hormone fluctuations before a period can lead to breast tenderness or pain. Doctors do not fully understand what causes these breast symptoms, but they know that specific hormones are involved. People can take some measures to reduce breast discomfort. However, if their breast pain becomes… Read More »