Health in 2 Point 00, Episode 96 | Amazon Care, Echo, OneDrop & more

By | September 30, 2019

Health in 2 Point 00

Today on Health in 2 Point 00, Jess and I catch up on loads of news in health tech. In this episode, Jess asks me about Amazon Care, doing telehealth, house calls, urgent care, drug delivery for their employees—could it change health delivery? Also, Echo raises $ 20 million for their smart stethescope; Bayer leads a $ 40 million round for OneDrop’s blood glucose meter; GoodRx buys telehealth company HeyDoctor; Rock Health investing $ 10M in InsideRx, and an undisclosed amount to Arine; and Peloton IPO’s today and everyone’s looking at it as a healthcare company (but no, it’s not). We end on some gossip, so tune in. —Matthew Holt

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