Author Archives: Health

Nutritionist reveals the EXACT healthy five-minute work lunch she swears by

Nutritionist reveals the EXACT healthy five-minute work lunch she swears by for staying full and replenishing her body Nutritionist Jessica Sepel has shared a simple lunch idea to have at work    She recommended seed crackers topped with hummus, cheese and vegetables   The meal is packed with flavour, protein and vitamins and is low on calories… Read More »

Is steak on keto diet

How would ot go with bone-in ribeyes? Read this guide to learn how to follow a vegetarian keto diet in a healthy, sustainable way. Fatty cuts of steak NY strip, ribeye, brisket Nitrate-free, unprocessed bacon Skin-on chicken thighs and legs Skin-on fatty fish, such as salmon Offal organ meats such as liver, cheek, and heart.… Read More »

How often should I get my hearing tested?

When and how often you should get your hearing checked depends on several factors. Do you suspect you have hearing loss? Or do you already have documented hearing loss?  Your age and job occupation are other big factors.  Testing vs. screening for hearing loss Testing is conducted when you, a loved one, or your healthcare provider suspect you… Read More »