NHS England chief digital officer to join video GP consultation provider LIVI

NHS England chief digital officer Juliet Bauer is joining video GP consultation provider LIVI, which launched in the UK last October after signing partnerships with two NHS GP federations. The announcement follows the publication this week of the NHS long-term plan that outlined key milestones for the digital transformation of the health service in England. Bauer was… Read More »

Relationship between IGF-1 and Growth Hormone

There exists a unique relationship between IGF-1 and growth hormone with both a stimulatory and mediating effect. The growth hormone/IGF-1 axis involves the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and liver. Insulin growth factor 1 is a primary mediator of many GH functions. Take, for example, cell regeneration, a crucial job of the growth hormone feedback loop. IGF-1… Read More »

Assistant manager carried a baby who was was destined to die so her organs could be donated 

‘Other mothers could bring home their babies when we couldn’t’: Assistant manager, 23, reveals she carried an infant who was destined to DIE so her organs could be donated Krysta Davis was told 18 weeks into her pregnancy her baby had anencephaly Missing parts of her skull and brain, the baby was expected to live just… Read More »