Moderate Drinking Is A Risk Factor For Atrial Fibrillation (STUDY)

Alcohol use is common nowadays, and excessive usage among individuals continues to be high. Excessive drinking is a recognized atrial fibrillation risk factor, and now researchers have shown that mild and moderate consumption is a modifiable risk factor of significance for atrial fibrillation. They demonstrated that regular and moderate consumption of alcohol averaging 14 glasses… Read More »

Managing Multiple Sclerosis: Treatment Can Delay Future Attacks

January 2019 Print this issue Treatment Can Delay Future Attacks Most of the time, multiple sclerosis, or MS, starts mildly, with unpredictable symptoms that can seem baffling. Without treatment, the disease can worsen to the point that you can’t write, speak, or walk. MS starts when the body’s immune systemThe system that protects your body… Read More »

5 quick PR tricks to cover up a lack of real health care news

As all researchers know, science is a grinding parade of failure and dead ends. But as we’ve often written, news release writers sometimes seem hell-bent on making the public believe otherwise. Like expert makeup artists, they can add sparkle to lackluster findings, mask blemishes in study designs, and smooth over unimpressive data. One thing I… Read More »