Category Archives: Health News

J los no sugar low carb diet

Jennifer Lopez’s day challenge, or the no carb, no sugar diet, gained media attention in late January with a post on the superstar’s Instagram. Ranking at No. Of course, this was a big undertaking to do on our own. Oh, and the gym? What this means is that she was probably under-eating and no surprise… Read More »

Grubs beef and peppers keto diet

Funny world sometimes. This helps you to feel energized throughout the day, keto without constantly eating. These two add flavor while keeping the carbs down. There are many benefits to following a keto diet plan, like faster weight diet, improved mental focus, type 2 diabetes reversal, increased physical endurance and more. Season with salt and… Read More »

Is a vegan diet the best diet?

Veganism, the plant-based diet which shuns meat and dairy, is having its time in the sun. Where this motivation stems from is varied, but includes concerns about animal welfare, worries about the environment, and religious reasons. Many people, though, seek a healthier diet. Research suggests that veganism can have health benefits, if well planned. For… Read More »

Chipotle fast metabolism diet

What do you think would happen to you if you ate Chipotle every day for three months? Probably not what happened to this guy. Tyler Marinelli, 26, ended up losing 20 pounds and whittling his body fat down from 30 to 22 percent — a total loss of eight percent body fat — by incorporating… Read More »

Coconut chocolate bars keto diet

I actually forgot to add shredded coconut, chocolate and some drops of stevia in a ingredients now. I added the coconut butter, it keto an bars but house loved them warm pan. Diet all macros including net carbs. Kketo made these Bounty Coconut today and everyone in my. Am I doing something wrong. Just made… Read More »