Author Archives: Health

Coffee limit on keto diet

Generally speaking, limiting caffeine intake mice have linked overeating to consumption of synthetic sugars, presumably because the onn triggers cravings for more sugar, Scientific American. Products sold on this website caffeine may increase ketone levels through it fat burning properties. However, Dr. Make your iced tea punch instantly with Body weight, body fat and body… Read More »

Pharmacy Fun Fact: August 7 – Pharmacy Times

There is evidence that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde after being prescribed cocaine. What illness were they trying to treat? Answer: Pulmonary hemorrhages According to a JAMA article written in 1971, Stevenson was considered an invalid at the time that he wrote the novella, which has long been considered a metaphor… Read More »

What is the diet of the honey bee

For honey bees to produce honey, they consume pollen and nectar from a variety of flowers. Honey bees are attracted to gardens and fields that offer a variety of flowering vegetation. Pollen, a powdery dust-like substance, is produced by various flowering plants. Pollen is one of the purest and richest natural foods, containing all of… Read More »

Chemotherapy in cancer patients with Covid-19 ‘not a risk’

Continuing chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment in cancer patients with Covid-19 is not a risk to their survival, a study suggests. It also recommends further research into the drug hydroxychloroquine, which appeared to benefit some patients. The findings, from 890 infected cancer patients in the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany, could help identify who is most… Read More »