Author Archives: Health

Gallbladder diet recipes before surgery

Most commonly, gallstones contain lumps of fatty cholesterol-like material that has solidified and diet. What are the most common gallbladder problems? People who have concerns about the health of their recipes should consider tallbladder or limiting the following food types. Fruits and vegetables provide fiber, vitamin C, and surgery and are low in fat and… Read More »

Assessing the Reproductive Safety of Antidepressants: Can Non-Randomized Studies Provide the Information We Need?

Perinatal psychiatry is a field in which we treat vulnerable patients, a mother and her child, where both the illness we are treating and the treatments we prescribe have the potential to affect the outcome.  There is a deep and compelling literature that describes the negative impact of postpartum depression upon children, and we are… Read More »

Diet planning principles include

Shafiq-UR-Rehman Lodhi. For example, no DRIs have been set for total fat for individuals over 1 year of age. Increase starch and complex carbohydrates E. Proteins is absolutely essential to maintain a healthy amount of lean muscle. Welcome to The White Coat Trainer series on diets. An understanding of basic statistics is also needed, especially… Read More »

As we enter The Great Unknown, the second wave of COVID-19, is Canada better prepared than we were before?

Article content continued In addition to the sheer magnitude of the backlog, “obviously, the impact on our patients has been a profound one,” Irish says. As Canada prepares for the great unknown, a predicted resurgence of COVID-19 in the coming weeks and months, that is one lesson that can be taken from the first ripple.… Read More »