Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Can’t stop smoking pregnancy

If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a doctor or other healthcare professional. And at this point we are only refering to cigarettes . For pregnant women, the risks are even greater because the inhaled toxins are poisonous to their unborn child… Read More »

What are healthy pregnancy diet

Can you choose your baby’s sex? Heazell A, Li M, Budd J et al. Talk to local doulas and start interviewing. Pregnancy hormones can also cause your pelvic floor to slacken slightly. Go easy on sweets and what are healthy pregnancy diet. Learning what you can about your cycles will help determine when you ovulate… Read More »

Iron-Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy Affects Child’s Brain Development

We often talk about the importance of planning for pregnancy.  In these discussions, we emphasize the importance of supplementation with folic acid as a means of decreasing risk for birth defects and improving neurodevelopmental outcomes in children.  A recent study indicates that adequate levels of iron may also play an important role in fetal brain… Read More »