Tag Archives: lower

Heart-healthy lifestyle linked to lower risk of future cancers

In addition to lowering risk of heart disease, maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle may pay off in lower risk for developing cancer, researchers from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and other centers in the United States and the Netherlands have found. Looking at the potential link between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer among  participants in two… Read More »

Vegan diet lower fibre

Dietary fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods. A low fiber diet, or low residue diet, limits the amount of fiber you eat each day by restricting foods high in fiber. Fiber is good for your health, but it may be difficult for your digestive system to process at times. Because of this, a… Read More »

Does levitra lower blood pressure

This is typically a clear does levitra lower blood pressure cylinder with a bulb or plunger and a constriction band. That’s something you may want to consider based on your sexual habits. Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction Most men would prefer to avoid surgery, but for some men with erection problems, penis implants are another option… Read More »

Diuretics that lower blood pressure

Even if you eat the recommended daily intake of potassium, which for the average adult is about 4,700 milligrams daily, it may still not be sufficient. Success Story I’m back to my high school weight! There are different types of diuretics which work in different ways and thiazide diuretics are one type of diuretic. Fogoros,… Read More »