Tag Archives: Health

Dairy: Health food or health risk?

When I was a growing teenager, I drank as much milk as possible (often straight from the carton while standing in front of the open fridge, much to my mother’s chagrin). I’d seen the TV ads — milk and other dairy foods were the express ticket to stronger bones and bigger muscles. But today dairy’s… Read More »

A final HealthNewsReview.org report card from 3,200+ systematic reviews of health care news stories & PR releases

In 2005, as I began building HealthNewsReview.org, I got permission from Dr. David Henry of the Media Doctor Australia project to adopt their news story review criteria. In the ensuing 13 years, no one has ever placed in front of me a solid, specific suggestion for a better set of criteria for reviewing stories about… Read More »

The health benefits of macadamia oil

Macadamia oil is a clear, light-yellow liquid that comes from pressed macadamia nuts. It is a healthful oil that people use for cooking, and there may also be health benefits of using pure oil to moisturize the skin and condition the hair. Macadamia nuts grow on macadamia trees, which are native to Australia. Similarly to… Read More »