Tag Archives: Health

Got milk? Not so much. Health Canada’s new food guide drops ‘milk and alternatives’ and favours plant-based protein

At a technical briefing in advance of today’s release of Canada’s updated food guide, Dr. Hasan Hutchinson was asked why anything dairy appeared to be largely absent from the composite plate and snapshots of “healthy eating.” “Certainly in the picture of the composite plate you’ve got, ah, yogurt — that’s right there in the protein… Read More »

As renewed debate over health care reform begins to simmer in Washington, can journalists give the topic the attention it needs?

Dec. 14th’s lower court ruling that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional has again thrust health care back on the national agenda. It also gives journalists a chance to redeem themselves from what I have argued has been poor news coverage that helped fuel the public backlash against the law from the beginning. A lot… Read More »

Intermittent fasting boosts health by strengthening daily rhythms

Various versions of the intermittent fasting diet appear to have weight loss benefits. A new study investigating why they work concludes that circadian rhythms are key. Intermittent fasting has become popular, but how does it work? While the modern world appears awash with fad diets, people seem to be giving a fair bit of attention… Read More »

5 quick PR tricks to cover up a lack of real health care news

As all researchers know, science is a grinding parade of failure and dead ends. But as we’ve often written, news release writers sometimes seem hell-bent on making the public believe otherwise. Like expert makeup artists, they can add sparkle to lackluster findings, mask blemishes in study designs, and smooth over unimpressive data. One thing I… Read More »