I love popcorn! It is my snack of choice after a day of eating fruits and veggies. A bowl of popcorn, a bottle of kombucha and I am a happy gal. Popcorn contains fiber and is a whole grain. It is a much better alternative than chips for snacking.
Recently I found a superfoods popcorn at Raleys and it was amazing but it was also $ 5 for the bag. You know I had to find a way to make something similar myself. So here is my version.
You are going to need to pop 1/2 cup of popcorn- either air pop or in a pan. Once you have popcorn you will coat it. You can do this 2 ways: You could pour the melted coconut oil directly over the popcorn and then pour in the seasonings and stir to coat. OR: you can mix the seasonings into the melted coconut oil pour the popcorn into the bowl with this mixture and stir to coat. I made mine the 2nd way. The picture also looks greener because I only used 1/4 cup of popcorn and everyone was in agreement that I should have doubled the amount of popcorn. After I took the picture I mixed in more popcorn and it was perfect.
To top your popcorn made with 1/2 cups of kernels:
4 tbsp melted coconut oil
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp of spirulina powder
1 tsp of wheatgrass powder (you could replace this with 1 tsp of chlorella powder)
1/4 tsp jalapeno powder
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp of pink Himalayan sea salt
Mix the seasonings together and coat your popcorn in one of the two ways listed above. Then enjoy. You could also add kale powder to this blend as well. You can make it spicier as well if you like. You can also reduce the spiciness by using only 1/8 of a tsp of jalapeno powder. Enjoy!
Recipes by Raw Chef Debra Garner
To learn more about the raw food/plant-based diet and Debra’s services please visit her website.