Best Natural Shampoo for Oily Hair: Essentially Nature Rebalance Shampoo (Review)

Quite a while back I tested a natural conditioner from Essentially Nature and recently I decided to try more products from this brand so one month I picked their Rebalance Shampoo from LoveLula as part of LoveLula Blogger Accredited program*. Essentially Nature Rebalance Shampoo is suitable for oily hair which is something I struggle with… Read More »

8 Fruits and Veggies That Could Be Considered Poisonous

What do ackee, cassava, cycad, lychee, potatoes, red kidney beans, starfruit and sugar cane have in common? While that question may sound like the opening line of an offbeat joke, the health-related similarity these fruits and vegetables share is no laughing matter. Plants, like animals, employ various strategies to ensure their survival, and naturally occurring… Read More »

Which foods can help you sleep?

Sleep affects every aspect of health. Fortunately, some foods and drinks contain compounds that help control parts of the sleep cycle, meaning that they may help a person both fall and stay asleep. Sleep quality and duration can affect a wide array of conditions, including: However, getting enough sleep can be tricky. According to the… Read More »