A Third of COVID Survivors Have Long-Haul Symptoms

Nearly 31% of patients said they had a worse health-related quality of life now, compared to before getting COVID-19, the researchers reported. It’s not yet clear why COVID-19 causes these lasting effects. Many viruses are capable of creating what’s known as “post-viral syndrome,” which experts describe as health problems that persist long after the infection… Read More »

What Birth Control method is best for me?

Author Sony Eguabor Published February 7, 2021 Word count 704 Birth control is simply a way of preventing pregnancy. There are many methods used to achieve birth control. It can also be called family planning, fertility control, or contraception. They all mean the same thing. There is no best birth control for anyone. It all… Read More »

Experts underestimated EHRs’ impact on burnout after HITECH Act

A study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association found that policy experts underestimated the impact of widespread electronic health record use on clinician burnout at the time of the HITECH Act’s passage in 2009.   The retrospective look examined the discussions at the AMIA’s 2009 Annual Health Policy Meeting,… Read More »

Why Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Common In Women?

Author Sony Eguabor Published February 18, 2021 Word count 1,090 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and damages the joints and, sometimes, other organs. This is unlike the most common arthritis like osteoarthritis which is a specific disease of the cartilage in joints. RA is a… Read More »