Lion diet food ideas

We all know that fruits and vegetables are important. Milk and dairy products contain many vitamins and also calcium, which is good for our bones. I look at a website called Meat Health, which is devoted to carnivorous eating. Not all fats are bad and different types of fat will have contrasting effects upon both… Read More »

FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Convalescent Plasma as Potential Promising COVID–19 Treatment

August 23, 2020 — Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for investigational convalescent plasma for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to fight COVID-19. Based on scientific evidence available, the FDA concluded, as outlined in its decision memorandum, this product may… Read More »

Coronavirus UK: Meetings banned in Oldham, Blackburn, Pendle

Households in Oldham and Blackburn are BANNED from meeting together from today as the Government unveils its latest local lockdown rules Number 10 agreed the tougher restrictions for Oldham, Pendle and Blackburn with local council bosses Officials stopped short of imposing full lockdowns on the three authorities and ordering businesses to shut Wigan, Darwen and… Read More »

What diet drinks have no aspartame

Thank you for posting this. Unfortunately due to poor marketing efforts, this version of Diet Coke is not widely distributed. Do Not consume it! Coca-Cola Life has 35 percent fewer calories than traditional Coke and less added sugar. Pepsi without Aspartame lost 8. We use aspartame in some of our products because we know that… Read More »