Know more about sleeping disorders in children

By | August 19, 2018

Lack of sleep shows obvious symptoms that could be recorded by attentive parents. Having your child suffer from a lack of sleep is bound to keep him/ her low on energy and dull throughout the day. Some of the most common symptoms to keep an eye out for include:

1. Falling asleep in the car, most of the times.

2. Being unable to wake up in the morning, in spite of regular wake up calls and a constantly ringing alarm.

3. Being extra sensitive by over playing emotions, aggression, and crankiness.

4. A recurrent need for sleep during the noon.

The most major factor that could cause a sleeping disorder in children is ‘sleep hygiene’.

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to all the behavioral and environmental factors that may interfere with sleep. The general areas that you could consider bringing about a substantial change include:

1. Personal habits- Getting your child into a consistent habit of sleeping and waking up at a fixed time.

2. Sleep environment- Keeping the bedroom cool and ensure there is no added source of light or any disturbance in the form of sound.

3. Pre-sleep activity- Ensure your child does nothing active before hitting the sack. Instead put him/ her in the habit of reading before sleeping. Doing so sets the tone for the child to calm down and get ready for a wholesome nap.

4. Other intakes- Try and reduce the intake of foods, liquids, or medicines; if any. This too may be contributing negatively in your little one’s sleeping pattern.

Some of the common sleep disorders that occur in children include:

1. Sleep deprivation- Sleeping in accordance with the age of the child is extremely important. However, many a times, children in their teens tend to get lesser sleep than required posing as a sleep deprivation issue.

2. Sleepwalking- Some children tend to walk in their sleep when going through a sleeping disorder. It’s nothing to panic about, however, ensure you make your child aware about the same. This will keep him/ her a little more conscious and could avoid the situation completely.

3. Separation anxiety- Once the child is shifted into a new room, all by himself/ herself; they tend to get separation anxiety leading to sleeplessness. This means that the child is unable to overcome the fact that he/ she has to sleep without the parents around. It does take some time for kids to defeat this anxiety; however, it does eventually fade away.

If you have a child who is suffering from a sleeping disorder, wait no longer. Look for natural or alternate sleeping disorder remedies to help your child get over this exhausting disorder. Helping your child cope up with a disorder of this sort will require you to know more about how you can help… So, log on to the internet and type in the keywords ‘Children Sleep disorder remedy’ to get a deeper understanding of what should and can be done. Irrespective of what steps you take, make it a point to only opt for natural remedies for sleeping disorder, as antibiotics and other chemical drugs are something you want to keep your timid child away from!

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