Hitting a plateau while losing weight

By | October 12, 2018

Hitting a weight loss plateau is a nightmare of everybody who is in the process of slimming.
You can lose your excess kilos slowly for months and suddenly everything stops. It can be incredibly irritating and even cause a frustration.
It does not depend on the way you keep your diet or fitness routine. You just stop getting slimmer.
What should you do in such case?
(And more important – shouldn’t!)
Hitting a plateau means you need to reconsider your behavior, your dieting and regime. Revising your eating plan can help to jump-start your losing weight process again.
There are some ways to reload your organism and start to lose weight again.
Review your food journal
Every person who is on a diet and has a solid background, at the very beginning of the path was advised to start a diet journal. Food journal helps to control the amount of food you eat and to count calories. Seeing in a journal what you’ve eaten during the day helps to stay in borders of a diet plan.
Unfortunately, after reaching first results, many people put their food journals away. In case you have reached a plateau, it is the first thing you need to do – start your food journal again, and write down everything you eat. You will be surprised a little bit to know that some foods you consume without worries can hold you back. Probably, you eat more calories than was estimated at the beginning of the process. To reach your target try to write down everything you eat for a 2 weeks and then analyze it. You will be provided with the info you need to move on.
Review the size of portions
As time passes, you can be tired or simply bored to count calories and measure your portions. And obviously you can measure the amount of food you need by eye. But the problem is you can eat some new products or dishes without knowing the calorie content. Hitting a plateau means you eat more than you waste while being active. You should reconsider size of portions you eat. A wise decision is to start measuring your portions and count calories carefully again. Can you imagine that even 100 calories less can change the situation completely? But it works like that.
Change your workout plan
Switching to another type of physical activity is a good decision also. Especially if you have been avoiding workout quite often or have not been exercising as much as you need to for losing weight. Instead of regular morning jogging, consider swimming or gym. Regular exercise good both for losing weight and health in general. Jogging, swimming and biking are perfect for improving cardiovascular system, and any kind of physical activity will have a positive effect on your body. Anyway, you need to like what you do and enjoy doing it. It will make you to do it regularly.
Combine all these methods together and you will start losing kilos again for sure. Also, try to concentrate on some other life issues and changes, and you will move away from plateau quite soon.
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