Pharmacy Times Continuing Education™ (PTCE), a leader in continuing education for retail, health-system, managed care and specialty pharmacists, has announced the ninth annual Directions in Pharmacy® continuing education conference series, which will take place in 4 major cities across the United States in spring 2019.
“Each year we are pleased to offer this 1-day meeting as a unique platform for practicing pharmacists across the country to learn about the latest advancements in pharmacy,” said Jim Palatine, RPh, MBA, president of PTCE, in a prepared statement. “Our goal is to provide attendees with a networking platform to discuss the latest clinical data with colleagues while exploring best practices and management strategies to help enhance their performance and ultimately improve the care of their patients.”
The spring 2019 dates and locations are as follows:
- March 30: Chicago Marriott O’Hare, Illinois
- April 27: Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort, California
- May 18: Nashville Airport Marriott, Tennessee
- June 22: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, New Jersey
At each of the conference sessions, PTCE will be joined by a member of the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA), who will provide accredited education on the steps that pharmacists can take to improve patient care as well as examine the clinical and economic impact to patients and the health care system.
Directions in Pharmacy® is a 1-day educational regional conference that will delve into the most recent and relevant information on disease-state management, clinical data and treatment guidelines, as well as best practices for patient care for a wide array of disease states including opioid abuse deterrent formulations, migraine management, diabetes and new influenza treatment recommendations. Attendees of this conference will have the opportunity to participate in 6 interactive sessions and gain insight on the latest advancements in managing patients with chronic illnesses, increase their knowledge of therapeutic areas and then implement changes to their practices when they return home.
This conference is supported by educational grants from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals and Lilly USA; Daiichi Sankyo; Genentech; Lilly; and Novo Nordisk.
Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, each meeting provides attendees with the opportunity to earn up to 6 continuing education credits, including law credit.
For more information and to register for a conference, visit the series’ website at PharmacyTimes.org.