Tag Archives: reason

Here Is Another Reason For Keeping Fit

There are many reasons to maintain your cardiovascular fitness. We have written about a number of them. Here is one more.   People with high cardiovascular fitness have a reduced risk for developing lung or colorectal cancer. Furthermore if they do develop one of these cancers, they have a better chance of surviving than those… Read More »

Scombroid Poisoning Could Be The Most Common Reason For Allergic Reactions to Seafood

Seafood include both finned fish and shellfish. Finned fish most commonly associated with allergic reactions include salmon, tuna and halibut.1 Finned fish and shellfish allergies are not related, so being allergic to one doesn’t necessarily mean you are allergic to the other. A true Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) mediated allergic reaction to finned fish may be life-threatening,… Read More »

Reason behind weird new city statues

Unsophisticated drinking moments from the internet will be brought to life across the country through a series of augmented reality displays in bars and city centres — in a hi-tech bid to stop young adults getting too sozzled this Christmas. As silly season begins, Melbourne will be the first Aussie city to be hit by… Read More »

What is the extreme reason for hair removal?

A breakout caused by shaving or waxing can be similarly as humiliating as undesirable hair, which places you in an awkward spot. Skin disturbance from hair evacuation is caused either by the hair expulsion strategy itself or by regrowth of hairs. Laser hair expulsion offers a perpetual answer for both of these issues. There are… Read More »