Tag Archives: Could

Assistant manager carried a baby who was was destined to die so her organs could be donated 

‘Other mothers could bring home their babies when we couldn’t’: Assistant manager, 23, reveals she carried an infant who was destined to DIE so her organs could be donated Krysta Davis was told 18 weeks into her pregnancy her baby had anencephaly Missing parts of her skull and brain, the baby was expected to live just… Read More »

Common Signs You Could Have a Torn Meniscus

Conditions Colleen TraversDec 28 What is that nagging knee pain? Doctors reveal most frequently seen torn meniscus symptoms and what exactly to do about it. What is a meniscus? Martin Novak/Shutterstock It’s a piece of cartilage in your knee provides a cushion between your shin and thigh bones. Your meniscus helps promote overall joint health,… Read More »