Tag Archives: After

When can i do yoga after hysterectomy

Are you returning to Yoga after hysterectomy or prolapse surgery? This Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy video and information help you safely modify Yoga after hysterectomy or with prolapse problems. Modifying some commonly performed Yoga poses may help you reduce some potential risks after gynecological surgery. Gynecological surgery can increase the risk of some ongoing pelvic floor… Read More »

Can use muscle pain after workout

If your muscles are sore, you might wonder if you should continue with your workouts or rest. In some cases, active recovery exercise like stretching and walking can be beneficial to sore muscles. It may feel good to. For example, add in an arm weight workout the day after a run. In addition to feeling… Read More »

Medical News Today: Sugar alters brain chemistry after only 12 days

New research in pigs finds that sugar intake alters the reward-processing circuitry of the brain in a similar way to addictive drugs. Whenever we learn something new or experience something pleasurable, our brain’s reward system becomes activated. With the help of natural brain chemicals, several brain areas communicate with each other to help us learn… Read More »