Death rays: How the dream of an ultimate weapon became a dark farce
The quest for the ultimate destructive weapon is a convoluted story of egos, charlatanry and deception – with a starring role for mercurial genius Nikola Tesla Pictures Now / Alamy By Jeff Hecht THE enemy wasted no time firing up the death rays once they arrived in Woking. Generated in an almost perfectly insulating chamber,… Read More »
Keeping Up-to-Date on COPD Controversies: A Clinician Interview
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) aims to increase awareness and research regarding chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with the overarching goal of improving COPD prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The GOLD annual report provides recommendations for COPD management; however, the scientific committee responsible for developing these recommendations notes that there are still… Read More »
Why A Digital Detox Is Essential And How To Unplug
As you’re here, reading this, you know that your entire body and mind are craving some rest from the incessant screen exposure, annoying notifications constantly buzzing from your phone, and almost constant communication via social media. So much noise, and yet, so little real bonding or connecting. Since more people are switching to fully-digital careers,… Read More »