What is klonopin high

1 mg If What is klonopin high at a dosage of . Hallucinations are also a common side effect. It is a sad fact that many people would do anything for a temporary high. I’ve been on Xanax 2 mgs at bedtime for insomnia. All these reviews on Klonopin being addictive are only half true.… Read More »

When you overcome depression

I need to seek outside help. Together we’ll explore how to avoid depression in a moment. I would pretend to be sick or tired, and when I would go out, I would go out of my way to not let anything seep through the armor I had built when you overcome depression myself. Other events… Read More »

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Other symptoms and signs of high blood symptoms of high blood pressure in women that you should become aware of are fatigue or confusion, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, blood in your urine, irregular heartbeat and pounding in your ears, neck or chest. We do know that your lifestyle can affect your risk of developing… Read More »