How Much Do You Really Know About Coaching Women? Test Your Skills Here!

By | December 9, 2019

When it comes to coaching, the learning never stops.

Even if you’re well-educated and certified, you might notice that there are some questions you don’t know how to answer, or client challenges you don’t know how to solve — especially with your female clients.

For example, suppose a client asks you how to adapt her training program to her menstrual cycle, or about the changes her body’s going through during menopause, or how to avoid leaking urine during certain exercises… and you aren’t confident of the right answer.

Or perhaps you witness a client struggle with body image issues, disordered eating, or a habit of constantly comparing herself to other women… and you’re not sure how to help without saying the wrong thing.

Or — and this one’s for the guys — you might hear female clients whispering amongst each other… and when you ask if you can help they wave you off saying, “Oh you won’t get it, you’re a guy.”

Moments like this can leave you wondering whether you’re missing out on key information about coaching and training women, and whether there’s more to learn.

The good news? You can use today’s quiz to assess where you already know your stuff, and where you’ve got room to grow.

When It Comes to Coaching Women: Where Do You Stand?

There are 10 key topics in which health, fitness, and nutrition professionals should be well versed when it comes to coaching women. How many of them have you mastered?

Our quiz gives you a chance to assess your skills in each of these 10 topics so that you can find out what you’re already doing very well and where there’s room for improvement.

At the end of the quiz, you’ll find an excellent selection of resources so that you can learn more about the topics covered here.

Quick tip: When you’re answering, be honest with yourself. There will be areas where you’re less familiar, and you know what? That’s exciting! It’s an opportunity to learn more.

And when it comes to your ongoing learning — you’ve come to the right place. The GGS Level 1 Certification is the world’s first comprehensive, interdisciplinary, evidence-based coaching certification that’s focused on coaching women. So if you have more learning to do, we’re here to help.

Quiz Time!

Before we begin, it’s important to note that this quiz does not cover the basic coaching skills that anyone working with clients should have. These include:
Knowing how to write training programs for different goals.

Being able to modify, progress, or regress any exercise at a moment’s notice during sessions.

Helping clients set behavior-based goals.

And many, many more essential coaching skills.

Rather, the questions in this quiz are specific to coaching women. It’s important to note that anatomy varies among women, and that not every question will be relevant to every woman.

For each of the questions, give an honest assessment of your knowledge on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 means you know nothing about the topic, and 5 means you’re an expert.

Coach Quiz

Topic #1: Female Anatomy

Do you understand how breast size, tenderness, and level of support may affect certain exercises and performance?

Umm, nopeDefinitely

How familiar are you with the structural differences of the pelvis in male skeletons and female skeletons?

Not at allVery familiar

How well do you understand female bone mineral density and how it changes across a woman’s lifespan?

Not well at allReally well

How familiar are you with how structural and biomechanical differences between males and females may affect training?

Not at allVery familiar

How well do you understand the anatomy and functions of the female pelvic floor?

I’m cluelessI’m a pro

Do you understand the difference between biological sex, sexuality, and gender?


Total for this section 0/30

Topic #2: Female Physiology

How well do you understand the differences in muscle fiber size, strength, and fatigability between males and females?

Not well at allI’m a pro

How much do you know about sex differences as they relate to metabolic function and body fat distribution?

Nothing at allI’m a wizard

How much do you know about sex differences as they relate to aerobic capacity and blood pressure?

Nothing at allI’m a wizard

How familiar are you with the different hormonal contraceptives and their side effects in women?

Not at allI wrote the book on it

Total for this section 0/20

Topic #3: Menstrual Cycle

Do you know the four phases of the menstrual cycle and how hormones like estrogen and progesterone fluctuate throughout the month?


How well do you understand how the phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle may affect her exercise and nutrition?

I’m cluelessI’m a pro

Do you know what amenorrhea is and the health conditions linked to it?


Do you understand the relationship between diet, exercise, and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea?

I’m cluelessI’m a pro

Do you understand how a woman’s menstrual cycle may affect her mood and energy levels?

I have no ideaTotally

How confident do you feel when helping a client who’s dealing with menstrual-cycle related hunger and cravings?

Not at allVery confident

Total for this section 0/30

Topic #4: Menopause

How familiar are you with the environmental factors that can affect the age at which women go through menopause?

Not at allVery familiar

How familiar are you with the symptoms of menopause beyond hot flashes and night sweats?

Not at allVery familiar

How much do you know about the effects that menopause may have on the female pelvic floor?

Nothing at allA whole lot

How well do you understand the causes and symptoms of early menopause (i.e., premature ovarian insufficiency?)

Not well at allReally well

How familiar are you with how a woman’s body fat may redistribute during and after menopause due to changes in hormones?

Not at allVery familiar

Total for this section 0/25

Topic #5: Professionalism and Approachability

How comfortable do you feel using female-specific correct anatomical terms (e.g. vagina, vulva, perineum, etc)?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How often do you ask your clients for permission before manually cueing them?

Doesn’t cross my mindAlways

How much do you know about how the images you use in your training space or marketing materials have an impact on women?

Huh?I know everything about it

How often do you make comments about your client’s appearance during and around your training sessions?

All the timeNever

How often do you ask your clients for permission before tagging, acknowledging, or showing photos or videos of them on social media?

I never think of itEvery time

How much work do you do, beyond the intake form, to understand each client’s background and identity?

NoneI find out everything I can

How confident are you in your understanding of what’s beyond your scope of practice and when to refer your client to the appropriate health professional?

Not at allVery confident

Total for this section 0/35

Topic #6: Nutrition

How knowledgeable are you about identifying the different signs of disordered eating that a client may be exhibiting?

Not at allI know them all

How confident do you feel in your ability to answer questions from clients about fad diets in a compassionate and understanding way?

Not at allVery confident

How comfortable do you feel about reframing a nutrition discussion with a client who routinely says she’s being “bad” because of her food choices?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How comfortable do you feel about helping a female client who is coming off a very restrictive diet?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How prepared do you feel to discuss culturally-relevant nutrition practices with a female client from a cultural background that’s radically different than yours?

Not at allI got this

How comfortable are you with discussing how your client’s alcohol consumption may be affecting her results?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How knowledgeable are you about the specific nutritional needs during breastfeeding?

Not at allI’m an expert

Do you know what foods should be avoided during pregnancy and why?

NopeI know them all

Total for this section 0/40

Topic #7: Pregnancy

How well do you understand the connection between energy balance, female hormones, and fertility?

Not well at allReally well

How confident do you feel in your ability to coach clients dealing with fertility struggles?

Not at allCompletely

How prepared do you feel to support a client through miscarriage or infant loss?

Not at allVery prepared

Do you know which exercises, if any, are contraindicated during pregnancy and why?

NopeI’m an expert

How knowledgeable are you in helping clients set appropriate training goals during pregnancy?

Not at allI’m an expert

Do you understand how to write safe exercise programs for women at any stage of their pregnancy?


How comfortable do you feel discussing your client’s body image struggles during pregnancy in a compassionate and non-dismissive way?

Totally uncomfortableI got this

How much do you know about how to help women adjust their calories during pregnancy (hint: “the 300 extra calories a day” advice isn’t necessarily accurate)?

Nothing at allI’m an expert

Total for this section 0/40

Topic #8: Pelvic Floor Health

Can you identify the signs and symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction?

No wayAbsolutely

How much do you know about managing intra-abdominal pressure during exercise and how it impacts your client’s pelvic floor?

Huh?I know everything about it

How comfortable do you feel with modifying an exercise when a client exhibits symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How much do you know about pelvic organ prolapse and the implications it may have on exercise?

Huh?I know everything about it

How comfortable are you discussing incontinence issues with your clients?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

Total for this section 0/25

Topic #9: Psychology and Body Image

Do you feel capable of helping women who struggle with their body image and who compare themselves to other women?

Not reallyI got this

How confident are you in your ability to coach your female clients through roadblocks related to their family, such as having a partner who is resistant to changing the way they eat, or having limited exercise options due to a lack of childcare options?

Not at allI’m an expert

How comfortable do you feel responding when a client constantly makes negative comments about her body?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

How familiar are you with the concept of emotional labor and how it can affect your client’s ability to reach her goals?

Not at allVery familiar

When a client has unrealistic expectations about what her body should look like, how confident do you feel in your ability to help her reframe her goals so that they’re more realistic?

Not at allTotally confident

How comfortable do you feel discussing psychological health with your client while staying within your scope of practice?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

Do you know what to do when a client resists your training plan because she doesn’t want to look “big and bulky?”

Not at allI got this

Total for this section 0/35

Topic #10: Postpartum Recovery

How well do you understand how recovery from a C-section may differ from recovery from vaginal delivery?

I’m cluelessI’ve got it covered

How much do you understand about the different phases of the birth process?

Not at allI’m an expert

How confident do you feel about your ability to coach a client through issues like birth trauma, postpartum depression, and postpartum PTSD within your scope of practice?

Not at allVery confident

How knowledgeable are you about which exercises your clients can safely do immediately after childbirth?

Not at allI’m an expert

How confident do you feel in your ability to assess a client’s diastasis recti?

Huh?Very confident

How comfortable do you feel coaching a client through body image struggles after pregnancy?

Totally uncomfortableSuper comfortable

Total for this section 0/30

How Did You Do?

To get a better picture of where you’re a superstar and where you have some opportunity for growth, we have 3 options to help you level up.

Option 1 is to enroll in one of our FREE 5-day courses covering critical women-specific topics. If you already know where you need some help (e.g. body image, disordered eating, pelvic health, pre- and postnatal exercise, etc.) you can enroll in one of our FREE 5-day courses about that topic below.

Option 2 is to really take your knowledge and skills to the next level by enrolling in one of our world-class women-specific coaching certifications linked below.

Option 3 is great if you’re unsure where you need to help. Simply scroll down below the FREE 5-day courses and certifications and click on the green button to calculate your results. There you will find customized recommendations of which FREE articles or courses are best for you based on your individual results.

Remember: no matter how you scored in any of these areas, we’re here to help!


Free Course: How to Help Female Clients With Body Image, Unrealistic Expectations, and the Comparison Trap

Free Course: The TRUTH About Disordered Eating: a FREE Course for Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Pros Who Work with Women

Free Course: Exercises to Do & Avoid During and After Pregnancy

Free Course: What You Can Do About Sexual Harassment In the Fitness Industry

Free Course: How to Get Started Coaching Pre- & Postnatal Clients

Free Course: What You Must Know About Pelvic Health: Your Ultimate Guide to Working With Pregnant and Postpartum Clients

Free Course: What You Don’t Know About Coaching and Training Women (menstrual cycle, body image, disordered eating, incontinence, and consistency) 


Coaching Certification: Become a GGS Certified Women’s Coaching Specialist

Coaching Certification: Become a GGS Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach


Articles – Girls Gone Strong