Hit the gym to last twice as long in bed

By | November 10, 2018

Science boffins often tell us about things we don’t want to hear, like a global warming-induced beer shortage or that our gym equipment is loaded with disgusting germs.

But every now and again, gratifying research comes along to remind everyone that life isn’t so bad. According to a study published in the Urology Journal, men who exercise regularly can last twice as long in the bedroom as those with a sedentary lifestyle.

Scientists from the Ankara Training and Research Hospital in Turkey split around 250 men aged between 18 and 45 into two groups, depending on how much exercise they usually do.

(Related: 4 surprising benefits of exercise that aren’t weightloss)

Every time participants had sex, they used a stopwatch to record the time period from vaginal penetration until ejaculation, which sounds really reasonable and not a vibe killer in the slightest.

Men who jogged, cycled or lifted weights for 40 minutes each day were found to last around five minutes 30 seconds, on average, while men who walked for less than 30 minutes a week lasted an average of three minutes – with one ejaculating within 20 seconds.

(Related: The truth about premature ejaculation)

If the stopwatch situation wasn’t stressful enough, the scientists also asked the men to objectively rate how satisfied their partners were after sex. Among the regular exercisers, three quarters of the men believed their partner was totally satisfied, while just 56 per cent of the sedentary group felt this way.

(Related: A man’s sperm is stronger the second time he ejaculates)

“It can be assumed that regular physical activity may be effectual in gaining a sexual life of higher quality,” the researchers wrote (presumably as they laced up their trainers).

Not sure where to start? Try this military-grade bodyweight workout you can do anywhere. Or, for the truly committed, a penis workout that stops premature ejaculation and strengthens erections.


Men's Health Magazine