Why You Should Consider An Herbal Colon Cleanse

By | October 16, 2018

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By: Chester Ku-Lea

Colon Cleanse
Colon cleansing uses natural health & herbs to help your body to heal health problems which are often related to a colon which is not functioning as nature intended.

More and more people are suffering from health problems, including pain, constipation and lack of energy which can be related to a dirty bowel.

The most important cleanse to do is colon cleansing, because if you have a dirty colon with impacted fecal matter, this will create extra toxins which the other organs then have to continually cleanse and detox.


The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Everyone would greatly benefit with doing a full Colon Cleanse at least once per year, with ongoing colon maintenance when necessary. It is recommended that Parasite Cleanse be taken at the same time as the Colon Cleanse. For optimum health, our objective should be to cleanse not only the colon, but all of the vital inner organs as well.

One of the most frequent bowel problems that people experience today is constipation. Constipation is generally attributed to a low fiber diet and lack of sufficient water, which cause our fecal matter to become condensed and compressed.

A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon, the last portion of your food processing chain. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a waste filled bowel, the excreted toxins will only get recycled back into your body.

The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon at all times. On top of all this, your system can also become continuously self-polluting by the poisonous gases that are caused by foods you don’t tolerate. These poisonous gases can enter your bloodstream, irritating your organs and joints.

Bran and raw vegetables are so rich in fibrous bulk that they cannot get through the tiny holes remaining for passage of feces in most colons. Instead they back up, fester and contribute further to the problem. There is only one good way to clean yourself out and that is by cleansing your colon.

Natural Cleansing Products
Herbal colon cleansing may decrease the risks of developing certain health problems. Many people who are affected by a health condition have found that cleansing can help their body rejuvenate itself naturally. The body’s immune system is the first line of defense against almost all infections and diseases. If your body has a strong immune system you will be less prone to infection. The immune system is made up of a vast system of lymphatic channels and lymph nodes. Detoxing your body and your colon with the right herbs and supplements is an all natural way to remove unwanted toxins and heavy metals from lymphatic system improving the overall immune system.

Toxins from air, food and water tend to accumulate in your body over time. Your liver, colon, small intestines, pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and lymph nodes work in harmony and in balance to eliminate these toxins.

Cleansing with Fibre
Fibre plays an essential role in maintaining the health of the digestive system, and adequate fibre in the diet has significant value in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and other ailments. Fibre cleanses the digestive tract and enhances its function. Metabolised by intestinal bacteria into substances that prevent colon cancer, fibre dilutes and speeds the removal of carcinogens and other toxins in foods so that they spare the delicate lining of the GI tract. Fibre helps achieve optimal blood sugar control and cholesterol levels by slowing digestion and maximising cholesterol excretion.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing and Liver Detoxification

  • colon cleanse and liver detox products increase energy
  • colon cleanse and liver detox improves digestion
  • colon cleanse and liver detox result in clearer skin complexions
  • colon cleanse and liver detox improve circulation
  • colon cleanse and liver detox increase mental alertness
  • colon cleanse and liver detox support weight maintenance
  • colon cleanse and liver detox balance the function of vital cleansing organs
  • colon cleanse and liver detox strengthen your immune system

Author Bio
Chester is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of www.AstroNutrition.com – a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com – Free Website Content

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