Tag Archives: Hearing

5 Successful Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing loss has devastating and detrimental effects on the victim. While some get fewer job opportunities, others struggle with impaired communication, low esteem, and social withdraw. Ear damage happens gradually and with minimal warning indicators. By the time most individuals notice their failing sense of hearing, it almost too late.  It is worth noting that… Read More »

How often should I get my hearing tested?

When and how often you should get your hearing checked depends on several factors. Do you suspect you have hearing loss? Or do you already have documented hearing loss?  Your age and job occupation are other big factors.  Testing vs. screening for hearing loss Testing is conducted when you, a loved one, or your healthcare provider suspect you… Read More »

How hearing aids help kids learn better

It’s well-known that untreated hearing loss can impact school performance. Fortunately, though, research also shows that hearing aids and other interventions (such as cochlear implants) can help minimize the impact of hearing loss.  For example, a University of Iowa study showed that hearing-impaired children learn language and speech better when they use hearing aids. The earlier a… Read More »