Tag Archives: disease

Otago invention helps patients manage Inflammatory Bowel Disease

As increasing numbers of New Zealanders are being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), University of Otago researchers have developed a smartphone application (app) proven to be as effective as clinical care in helping patients manage their disease. IBDsmart, an app for symptom monitoring for patients with IBD was launched by one of the developers,… Read More »

Amazon launches connected medical device brand focused on diabetes, cardiovascular disease

Amazon’s latest move into the healthcare arena will be focused on helping consumers manage their diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, according to an announcement from Arcadia Group, a brand consultancy firm partnered with the online retail giant. The two companies have launched a new exclusive line of consumer-use medical devices, called the Choice brand, that has… Read More »

Legionnaires' Disease Prevention: 10 things you need to know By Shea Karssing

   Legionnaires’ disease prevention should be on the radar for any school, nursing home, healthcare institute, hotel or other large building. The disease may not be as rare as you think, with a 450% increase of reported cases in the past two decades. What is Legionnaires’ disease?Legionnaires’ disease develops when people breathe in small droplets… Read More »