High-Sugar Cereal TV Ads Promotes Obesity in Children, Warns Study

High sugar cereal ads promote obesity in children. (Photo Credits: Pixabay) Children’s exposure to TV ads about high-sugar cereals influences their food intake, which increases their health risks for obesity as well as cancers, warns a research. The study, led by a team from the Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, US, showed that high-sugar cereals… Read More »

Unethical experiments' painful contributions to today's medicine – CNN

He’s experiments, which are still clouded with the uncertainty of his claims and his whereabouts, open a Pandora’s box of questions around ethics in experiments with humans — even though these dilemmas aren’t new. Historic examples of human experimentation include wartime atrocities by Nazi doctors that tested the limits of human survival. Another led to… Read More »

Cervicogenic headache: Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment – Medical News Today

A cervicogenic headache is a pain that develops in the neck, though a person feels the pain in their head. Cervicogenic headaches are secondary headaches. Secondary headaches are those caused by an underlying condition, such as neck injuries, infections, or severe high blood pressure. This sets them apart from primary headaches, such as migraines and… Read More »