How did acne die graffiti

His large scale slogans have adorned many walls and he often paints illustrations of female warriors down backstreets of the city. If you’ve heard that IUDs can cause infertility, that’s actually a hangover from an earlier, now-banned form of intra-uterine device, the Dalkon Shield, that caused all kinds of havoc in the 1970s because it… Read More »

Two Aussies in China have coronavirus

Two Australians in China have been infected with coronavirus, Health Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed. Mr Hunt told reporters they are being treated and are not seeking consular assistance at this stage. They were in Guangdong province, not Hubei province where the majority of cases have been located. It follows confirmation of seven cases of… Read More »

Why is cardiovascular disease non communicable

Socioeconomic group Research has shown that males between 20 and 64 years of age in semi- and unskilled manual occupations run a three times higher risk of premature death from CVD compared to those in professional and managerial positions. Globalization and urbanization Globalization and urbanization are associated with the trend for populations to consume unhealthy… Read More »