Natural Remedies to cure Toothache

By | August 23, 2018

Common causes of toothache include tooth decay, dental trauma, hypersensitivity and more. Tooth ache range from throbbing to excruciating but with a right dentist or Endodontic the pain can be easily wiped out.  Read below for more information on how to solve tooth ache by natural home remedies.

Natural remedies for tooth ache:

Clean your whole mouth thoroughly – Sometimes the toothache may be caused by little slices of food that have got deposited on the sides of the teeth. To avoid this clean your whole mouth thoroughly for elimination of pain.

Peppermint tea is a very safe remedy for toothache. Put a tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves in warm water and await for 20 minutes. Then rinse your whole mouth with it and then spit it out. Repeat it when needed.

Mild infection may also a reason for tooth ache, mix salt with warm water and rinse for 20 to 30 seconds. Salt water cleans the area which is affected. Repeat several times a day until the pain subsides.

Clove oil is one of the best home remedy helps to heal pain in the affected area. Apply a few drops of clove oil in the affected tooth, several times a day until the pain completely goes away. Clove oil is generally available at most drug stores.

Fill the plastic bag with ice and cover it with thin cloth. Apply it on the affected tooth for over 15 minutes because the cold temperature helps to cure the pain. Also, don’t apply ice cubes directly to the tooth because in some cases it may cause severe pain.

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Use toothpaste that is designed especially for sensitive teeth. This will definitely relieve the pain that you experienced from cold or hot foods. Switch to soft bristled brush to prevent from further shrinking and protects your teeth from the gum tissue.

Acupressure is really a very good technique to control tooth pain fast. With your thumb, apply pressure for two minutes on the front and back side of your affected area. This will definitely make you pain free. In case of minor toothaches try Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin.

 The Bottom Line for Toothache:

If the toothache is due to major issues like tooth decay or infection, it will never be resolved by natural remedies. You have to fix an appointment with a dentist or orthodontist if you experience the following symptoms like fever and chills, pain that grows worse, pain in the wisdom teeth and trouble in breathing or swallowing.

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