History Of Meditation

By | August 18, 2018

In today`s hectic world, where people are running for corporate success or trying to balance family and work life or even trying to deal with bugger health issues, everyone has some problem or the other. No one is really satisfied with what they are doing nor are they enjoying their life. As the old saying goes, “Where is the time to stand and stare”? Gone are the days when walking around in the parks or sitting on a beach was peaceful! But people have also realized that leading a stressed life is dangerous and they definitely need to do something about it.

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Here comes “Meditation”. As long as history goes, meditation has always been a part of Hindu culture. In fact, it is said that Hindu sages were in a meditative state for most times and hence lived a peaceful, satisfied and spiritual life. Meditation is nothing but a spiritual ritual of trying to calm down your mind. It is an activity wherein the person focuses all his/her energy towards his/her insides! Just shut out the rest of the world and immerse in seeing the “inside you”. It is supposed to be a trance like and a very relaxing experience which forces all the negativity to be pushed out of your mind, body and soul and the person emerges as a very positive and refreshed soul! In the end, it is a culmination point of mind, body and soul!

Well, it is said that meditation or the practice of concentration and focus in a spiritual way, started in the eastern world but now it is slowly seeping in the western civilization too. Everyone is realizing the importance of finding inner happiness and meditation training is fast becoming a sought after skill! But, unlike what many people think, it is not a religious practice or does not have any religious connotation to it. Meditation is a very independent activity, mainly done to commune with your inner self and to find the hidden pleasures of your mind and soul. It is a practice which is done and mastered over a period of time, only to trash away the negativity and call upon the positivity!

Lastly, it has nothing to do with anyone’s religion, past, future, race, creed, country etc. – it has everything to do with your heart and mind!

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