Category Archives: News

7 signs you’re not getting enough protein plus EXACTLY how to get more

Whether you’re the type that shuns carbs or the one that avoids all fat, one food group that’s probably on your radar is protein – but it can be confusing. Not if you read this need-to-know guide  In recent years, protein has become the macronutrient literally on everyone’s lips. But according to new research by Healthista,… Read More »

The Monsanto Papers

The Australian documentary, “The Monsanto Papers,” reveals the secret tactics used by global chemical giant Monsanto (now owned by Bayer AG1,2), to protect its bestselling herbicide, Roundup. The film starts out with a quick history of Roundup and how its now-clearly absurd safety claims (such as “it’s biodegradable,” “safe enough to drink,” and “safer than… Read More »