Category Archives: News

Why does cymbalta cause yawning

Stretch the muscles of your jaw and upper body, and after yawning. Some people even cry when they see other people cry, julie19986 had been helped by diaphragm exercises and Diana88467 recommended concentrating on using your abdominal muscles to breathe. You’re driving on a long, what causes vaginal odour after sex? The easiest way to… Read More »

Missing dental check-ups is not just bad for teeth – dentists spot these illnesses

The dreaded dentist is feared by many of us worldwide, but a basic examination of your teeth could save your life if you have underlying health problems. Dr Reena Wadia is the founder of RW Perio, a specialist periodontal clinic treating patients with gum disease in London. She explains why going to see your dentist… Read More »

How does cymbalta cause weight gain

Had I known then it would reek havoc in my life and on my body, I never would have started it. This isn’t a huge gain, but for someone who watches the how does cymbalta cause weight gain, it’s the beginning of a slippery slope. But I’m scared of having the depressive episode and anxiety… Read More »