Author Archives: Health

Diets to gain muscle and lose fat

To lose fat, you must eat fewer calories than you burn. However, there are other options too. Snack: g raw carrots and hummus. The hardest thing is to develop the new habit of preparing your meals and taking them with you. These vitamins and minerals can help your body stay healthy and able to perform… Read More »

‘It’s Science, Stupid’: A School Subject Emerges as a Hot-Button Political Issue

This story also ran on The BMJ. This story can be republished for free (details). At the top of Dr. Hiral Tipirneni’s to-do list if she wins her congressional race: work with other elected officials to encourage mask mandates and to beef up COVID-19 testing and contact tracing. Those choices are backed up by science,… Read More »

Beyonce jay z vegan diet concert

Do burpees daily? Give your left kidney? Go vegan? Well, now you actually have your chance to prove your dedication to Queen Bey—and the environment. And the Greenprint Project, named for Borges new vegan cookbook The Greenprint, aims to improve the environment by encouraging people to adopt more plant-based eating. Bey and Jay’s enthusiasm about… Read More »