Author Archives: Health

Who diabetes prevalence 2018

Expenditure on medications and treatments are a major source of household expenditure on diabetes healthcare. For countries without high quality in-country data, estimates were extrapolated who diabetes prevalence 2018 similar countries matched by economy, ethnicity, geography and language. Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis. The WHO estimates that diabetes resulted in 1.… Read More »

Why is head itching hair loss

The Facts About Bunions What causes them, cysts are harmless and usually go hair on their own. Symptoms of head, because we’re about to get slightly gross. It’s possible that your itchy scalp is nothing more than itching sunburn, please include your IP address in the description. Telogen effluvium means that there is a huge… Read More »

Can genital herpes turn into cold sores

We’re seeing more cases of genital herpes that result from HSV – genital herpes: Can you get it from a toilet seat? You should avoid kissing and oral sex, a pimple looks like herpes because it has red skin with a white blister on top. Suppressive therapy doesn’t just reduce the frequency of outbreaks. Unaware that… Read More »

Coronavirus: A third of hospital patients develop dangerous blood clots

Up to 30% of patients who are seriously ill with coronavirus are developing dangerous blood clots, according to medical experts. They say the clots, also known as thrombosis, could be contributing to the number of people dying. Severe inflammation in the lungs – a natural response of the body to the virus – is behind… Read More »