Author Archives: Health

Can u get a rash from antibiotics

In most cases, the allergic reaction is mild to moderate and can take the form of: a raised, itchy skin rash urticaria, or hives coughing wheezing tightness of the throat, which can cause breathing difficulties These mild to moderate allergic reactions can usually be successfully treated by taking antihistamines. Even a small amount of a… Read More »

When was the great depression era

The British economy stopped declining displaced by heavy industry as the largest firms inside the Japanese economy not begin until the end. Were confirmation needed that the American public is in a sour mood, the midterm elections provided it. As both pre-election and post-election surveys made clear, Americans are not only strongly dissatisfied with the… Read More »

Dr. Pimple Popper Popped ‘Popcorn Butter’ Cysts on a Patient’s Back

Fan favorite Dr. Pimple Popper client Momma Squishy is back in the dermatologist’s latest Instagram video. Momma Squishy has a condition called steatocystoma multiplex where benign, fluid filled cysts form on the skin. When Dr. Pimple Popper pops these tiny cysts, they come out looking like “popcorn butter.” In a recent Instagram video, Dr. Pimple… Read More »