Air travel tips for people with hearing loss

By | January 24, 2019

It’s no secret that air travel has become more unpleasant in recent years. Oversold flights, minimal food service and airlines’ desire to squeeze more passengers in by eliminating legroom are just a few of the indignities travelers must suffer in order to get to their destinations.

Older man checking into airport
You do not need to remove your hearing 
aids while going through security or
on the plane

But for those with hearing loss, airplane travel can be particularly difficult. Hearing loss affects everything from pre-flight boarding to gate change announcements and in-flight communication, leading to frustration and misery.

We still have a long way to go until all passengers can travel with equal access to services. If you’re traveling with hearing loss, here are some tips for making your trip go more smoothly: 

Before your trip

Before you go, review our travel tips for people with hearing loss, including a suggested packing list, to make sure you’re prepared for any minor hiccups–such as your hearing aid batteries dying out. You also may want to visit your hearing healthcare professional to make sure your devices are in good shape before you travel with your hearing aids. Don’t forget your cleaning kit!

Getting through security

Fortunately, you don’t need to take out your hearing aids before you walk through security. If you do wear your hearing aid through security, you may want to let TSA personnel know. Depending on the device, you may get flagged for additional screening. If you’re not wearing them, do not place them directly on the conveyer belt or in the plastic bins, as that may generate static electricity that can damage them. 

When going through airport security, do not place your hearing aids on the conveyer belt or in the plastic bins–doing so could generate an electrical charge that damages them.

Are you in the loop?

An increasing number of airports have installed induction loop systems, which consist of a loop of wire that produces an electromagnetic signal received directly by hearing aids. Induction loop systems allow hearing aid and cochlear implant users to hear more clearly despite the presence of background noise or poor acoustics. To be connected to the airport’s induction loop, you just need to switch your hearing aids to the “telecoil” or “T” setting. If you are not sure if your hearing aids have telecoils, ask your hearing healthcare provider.

On board your flight

The good news: You don’t have to turn off your hearing aids when flight attendants announce that all devices must be turned off and stowed away in seat pockets. 

The bad news: On-board entertainment, like TV shows and movies, may not have captioning. And pilots and flight attendants frequently make announcements that can be hard to hear–even for people with perfect hearing.

Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, you may want to let a flight attendant know that you won’t be able to clearly hear crew announcements. And it’s not a bad idea to bring along your own entertainment, whether that be reading or downloading some videos on a tablet. Lastly, don’t forget to take steps to avoid ear pain while flying.

Know your rights

Passed by Congress in 1986, the Air Carrier Access Act has specific benefits for those with hearing loss. It states, in part:

  • Information and reservations services must be accessible
  • Information at airports must be accessible after self-identification as having hearing loss
  • Television at airports must have captions turned on
  • Communication on commercial aircraft must be effective after self-identification as having hearing loss
  • Service animals are permitted

Thanks to the ACAA, you have rights that will ensure a smoother travel experience:

You have the right to indicate your need for special services when booking your flight, either online or over the phone. When given a list of options, select “hearing loss or impairment.” This will begin the process of alerting the airlines of your needs, both preflight and during the flight. It will not only be noted on the passenger manifest, but gate agents and flight attendants will be notified as well.

You have the right to request disability seating. This usually means close to the front of the aircraft. This seating allows you to pre-board as well as to see the flight attendants clearly so you are better able to understand them as they make in-flight announcements. Be aware that online booking sites might not mention that these seats are available, as the airlines would rather sell these seats at economy comfort prices; nevertheless be sure to ask. If the seats are available, they have to give them to you at no extra cost. Disability seats are intended for all disability groups, not just those with mobility issues.

You have the right to the same level of communication with airline staff as the other passengers. Once you have self-identified to the airline as having hearing loss, you can make certain requests in order to make sure you are aware of all important information. For example, you might want to ask to be approached directly with notification of pre-boarding, any in-flight safety announcements such as turbulence, notifications of gate changes or late arrivals.

Advocate for yourself

Airplane travel can be stressful, and unexpected hurdles can pop at any time for you and your traveling companions. When it comes to hearing loss, it helps to be prepared. If you can’t find the information you need, asking for help is critical–being your own advocate can make a huge difference in the quality of your trip. 

Got a travel tip we didn’t cover in this article? Please share below in the comments. 

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