30×30 Total Transformation Review

By | August 21, 2018

So now you’ve thought about putting this to application, “I’m going to make it happen because I desire it to happen”, and you need to know what to expect. Expect failure. Don’t panic, don’t quit, don’t freak out, it’s not the end of the world, but the next frontier. The most common cause for failure is temporary defeat. There is no such thing as permanent defeat, but only temporary defeat. Do not quit without seeking some kind of professional assistance. I’m not talking about a psychiatrist; I’m talking about what you’re trying to succeed at, being successful. The greatest success comes, just one step beyond that point where one thinks defeat has overtaken them. Failure is an illusion, a trickster full of irony, and shows up just when success is almost a reality. Recognize this and take the next step. Do not succumb to failure, it’s an illusion created in one’s mind. Find the lesson that “failure” is teaching you, and turn it around. Consider it another hurdle you have conquered.

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