2 thoughts on “Lorazepam pour dormir le

  1. Kekazahn

    An excellent medication, out of all meds I tried none were as effective for managing my PTSD symptoms. Completely prevented flashbacks and nightmares and anxiety at night and allowed me to fall asleep very calmly. However I can't give it a 10 because I gained tolerance to the doses incredibly quickly, meaning I had to keep raising the dose to get the same effect, which is dangerous because it is a drug you can become physically addicted to. I would highly recommend this med to those seeking a short term fix while they are becoming stable on another long term med, but would not recommend it as a long term fix due to tolerance and addiction possibilities. I bought Ativan here https://drugstoresale24hss.com/ativan. Maybe my review helpes somebody!

  2. Mikagore

    You would have to be crazy to take Ativan. I took 1-2 mg 2x a day for 6 months and had withdrawal symptoms for almost 4 years after stopping over a 2 week period per my doctor. If you think your life is bad before taking Ativan just wait until you experience the withdrawal and after effects of this poison. After 2 years still had vibrating hyper sensitive vision and hearing . Burning in your nerves especially in your feet. Forget sleep all you do is lie in bed awake for me almost 2 years dreaming while awake. That part was the most torturous part of the med. The FDA needs to remove Ativan from FDA approval immediately.

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