What is lorazepam 1mg generic for cymbalta

By | 23.06.2018

what is lorazepam 1mg generic for cymbalta

: What is lorazepam 1mg generic for cymbalta

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2 thoughts on “What is lorazepam 1mg generic for cymbalta

  1. Voodoojind

    My doctor put me on a .5 mg twice daily dosage of this medication, along with 2 others to help with my anxiety,depression, and OCD. I have noticed a difference, but taking this medication alone, without the others, has not seemed to help my anxiety. However, with all threem I have noticed a changed.

  2. Jukus

    I was an alcoholic for 15 years. I quit with the help of ativan.I have learned from myself I had anxiety problems, that is why I drank, to cope. I have been taking this drug, 0.5 in the morning if needed and 0.5 in the evening if I have problems sleeping.I still have panic attacks ans periods of anxiety. Dr.'s tried to put me on prozac, didnt work, I quit that real fast, They tried effexor, that was a scare, that did not work. And now zoloft. I did not feel the need to sleep at night., sort of a zombie effect. this ativan has helped me function perfect with no symptoms of anxious feelings. I just wish they can come up with a daily dosage like a timed released pill, so I can take it once a day.

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