Lorazepam vs xanax which is stronger valium or ativan

By | 24.05.2018

lorazepam vs xanax which is stronger valium or ativan

Feb 14, - Ativan (lorazepam) and Valium (diazepam) are both members of the benzodiazepine It is thought that lorazepam, diazepam, and other benzodiazepines like Xanax (alprazolam) or Tips to Better Manage Your Migraine. Nov 7, - Ativan is a fast acting benzo which makes it in a way more addicting, but Klonopin and Xanax are the more powerful in the benzo medicalcases.eu Ativan milder than Xanax? Does anyone know? Whats is Ativan good for and is it any good or are the others better? tried valium/xanax before and i thought to myself this lorazepam is crap .

Lorazepam vs xanax which is stronger valium or ativan -

I am of the opinion that they are NOT strong enough when someone is having a panic attack unless you take a big dose. I work disability claims for SSA and just finished my nursing degree also. What benzo is stronger than Valium? It has proven effective with reducing anxiety. The strength of the two molecules varies significantly. Of course, not all my clmts are the best historians, so, I may need to call the MD to clarify his specific orders. Its use is seizures are not very effective as it acts after a long period of lorszepam. Neutropenia compromises the body's ability to fight off infection and maintain health. Here lately I haven't seen many people on Xanax and even fewer on Valium. I have xanax at home but never tried it yet. Ativan has a slightly shorter onset if given PO, but isn't really stronger .


2 thoughts on “Lorazepam vs xanax which is stronger valium or ativan

  1. Kesho

    i find that ativan works better than xanax or clonopin. it keeps my anxiety level down, without the cloudiness and fogginess of xanax.

  2. Maumuro

    This medication is poison. I have been put on it and can't get off. Highly addictive and interferes with my mood ... I have no energy and I am far worse off taking this medication than I was without it. Stay away from it.

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