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By | 12.07.2018

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1 thoughts on “Buy lorazepam florida lauderhill

  1. Donris

    Last night around 1 AM, central time, I had my first panic attack at the age of 17. It started with the left side of my chest becoming numb, then gradually got worse. Not knowing what to do I called my brother and he didn't answer. At this time I was still able to control my body and breathing. Trying to sit down and calm myself is the only thing I could think of. Then the pain kicked in. It literally felt like someone was holding a blow torch to my heart. I started the hyperventilate and my muscles tensed. I was scared, I thought that if I closed my eyes I was going to die. My sister in law took me to the hospital where upon arrival they took my vitals. Heart rate, 196, blood pressure, 140/90, neither one was good. They gave me a shot of liquid Ativan which calmed me down and took the pain away. When I went home I tried to sit down on the couch. As I stared in the distance the house came alive. Chairs were moving, chandelier talking, baby stroller walking. None of them were scary, but it was very weird. After doing some research I found out that haluccinations aren't on the side effect lest for Ativan

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