Buy lorazepam minnesota

By | 24.08.2018

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2 thoughts on “Buy lorazepam minnesota

  1. Akigis

    I'm a 66 year old Viet-Nam Vet with PTSD. It has hit me harder in the last five years being unable to sleep. I would go 4 to 5 days with no sleep at all and when I did dose off for 30 minutes or so the nightmares were terrible. The V.A. finally put me on 2mg of Lorazepam at night and 1mg during the day. I can sleep now and the nightmares are few. Don't drink booze it will defeat the purpose. It also reduced my panic attacks

  2. Tausida

    I'm a lot less anxious when using ativan. I can also sleep better at night. Ativan works very well for me and I would recommend it to anyone with severe anxiety.

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