Purchase lorazepam 1mg information processing

By | 13.07.2018

purchase lorazepam 1mg information processing

My Anxiety Medication Reactions (xanax, klonopin, ativan)

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2 thoughts on “Purchase lorazepam 1mg information processing

  1. Akinolkree

    Ativan always helps calm me down 0.5 mg dose, but when it wears off it makes me a little extra nervous but all in all a very effective medicine. Side effect is drowsiness and laziness haha. But I function so much better when my mind doesn't have the anxiety.

  2. Taugul

    I have had a prescription for Ativan for about 6 years. This was given to me after a diagnosis of GAD that was taking over my life. I have tried many SSRIs, SNRIs, and several off label drugs, but none helped. Most actually seemed to make my condition worse. I would take 0.5 - 1mg of Ativan on occasions when I felt out of control, and it would bring me relief. I have taken 0.5 - 1 mg in a day only as perscribed. Sometimes I have taken it daily for three months at this dosage. I was always terrified about the withdrawals you read so much about if you stop taking this, but I am perhaps one of the lucky ones who, at this dosage, can simply stop with no bad effects. I regularly stop for months at a time.

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