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By | 22.01.2019

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2 thoughts on “Purchase lorazepam 1mg pictures of hearts

  1. Jason

    feeling I can't catch my breath, Ativan 1mg usually workd within 1/2 hour. If still needed an hour later, I take another and that takes care of it. (Been an RN for 40 years)

  2. Voodootaur

    Ativan 0.5mg calms me down considerably within 30 minutes, but the side effects are so bad that I can't continue to take it. I experienced EXTREME, loss of energy, tiredness, laziness, apathy, and increase in appetite. This might be okay for someone who's at home trying to recover from panic attacks, but not for me. I work 5 days a week and this past week that I was only taking 1 x 0.5mg pill a day was the absolute worst week I've ever had at work, living in a fog and totally wiped out of energy. I hardly got ANYTHING done which is totally out of character for me. Also when this medicine wears off in a few hours it makes me very irritable and nervous.

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